A Checkered Path to Destiny is about the survival of a young man born in a rural area of Jamaica into the Lower Class of Society. It tells of his constant desire to find a place to call home and a fit for him in Jamaican society. Ivan really digs deep to open a window to the world he survived. Every child has the right to a name, a home and an education. Sadly, a lack of those basic rights plus hunger and abuse all became a normal part of Ivan's severely limited childhood. Some of the odds against him were: a broken home, being placed as a servant in the care of others, a lack of education and many of his trials were self-imposed. The Checkered Path in Jamaica took a dramatic turn that changed his life forever.
Ivan indicates in this book that he has always been inspired by people of high moral values and fortitude. These were people he held up as role models, and chose to emulate throughout his life. As a result, he learns very early in life that all good opportunities come and go and like a moving platform one must chose to either hop on or watch in bewilderment as it gets out of reach. Unfortunately as he grew older, he did not always practice what he had learned.
A Checkered Path to Destiny will horrify, intrigue and delight people of all ages - globally. Perhaps you will smile as you read this book, and even question the author's rational for being so candid about certain events, but in this writing his history shows not what he wished it could have been, but what was and what is.
The book is also made available on the following retail channels, please follow the links:
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