""A Charming Humbug"" is a novel written by Imogen Clark. The story revolves around a young woman named Anna who is struggling to find her place in the world. She is a talented singer and dreams of making it big in the music industry, but her lack of confidence and fear of failure...
A Charming Humbug is a novel written by Imogen Clark. The book follows the story of a young woman named Lottie, who is struggling to make ends meet in London during the 1920s. Despite her financial difficulties, Lottie is determined to find love and happiness. She meets a charming...
""A Charming Humbug"" is a novel written by Imogen Clark. The story follows the life of a young woman named Penny, who has always been fascinated by the world of theater and magic. However, her dreams of becoming a famous magician are shattered when she is forced to marry a wealthy...