A series of transparently autobiographical vignettes trace our Buckeye boy's path from his dusty childhood playground to a first job on the assembly line and then to the practice of law. He takes us to Ohio farms and job shops, a 1950 pool hall, the 1956 U. S. Open golf tournament, the 1959 Pennsylvania state bar exam and a 1980 Pennsylvania county court room.
A great variety of unforgettable characters come to life including a Mom of steely resolve, an irrepressible Dad, a golf hustler, a heavy weight champion, a law school dean and more than one lost love.
A Pacifist the author describes his moment of true epiphany in 1950 on the threshold of a Marine recruiting office, followed decades later by his public opposition to the horrific waste and futility of the wars in Viet Nam and now, Afghanistan and Iraq.