Reproduction of the original: A Bevy of Girls by L. T. Meade
The girls stood in a cluster round Miss Aldworth. They surrounded her to right and left, both before and behind. She was a tall, dark-eyed, grave looking girl herself; her age was about twenty. The girls were schoolgirls; they were none of them more than fifteen years of age...
NEW PRINT WITH PROFESSIONAL TYPE-SET IN CONTRAST TO SCANNED PRINTS OFFERED BY OTHERS A Bevy Of Girls This book is a result of an effort made by us towards making a contribution to the preservation and repair of original classic literature. In an attempt to preserve, improve and...
"A Bevy of Girls" by L. T. Meade introduces a diverse group of young girls, each with her own personality, dreams, and unique challenges. Set against the backdrop of a bustling town, the story follows the lives, trials, and triumphs of these girls as they navigate the complexities...
"A Bevy of Girls" is a novel written by L. T. Meade, a prolific late 19th and early 20th-century British author, primarily known for her works in the girls' fiction genre. The book was first published in 1888. The novel is a part of Meade's extensive body...
A Bevy of Girls is a classic novel written by L.T. Meade. The story starts when the girls gather around Miss Aldworth in a clump. They encircled her from both sides and from behind. She was a tall, serious-looking girl with black eyes, who appeared to be around twenty years old...
A Bevy of Girls is a classic novel written by L.T. Meade. The story starts when the girls gather around Miss Aldworth in a clump. They encircled her from both sides and from behind. She was a tall, serious-looking girl with black eyes, who appeared to be around twenty years old...
Reproduction of the original: A Bevy of Girls by L. T. Meade