A nostalgic look at what it was like to be a housewife in the 1950s
Being a housewife in the 1950s was quite different than today. Women were expected to create a spotless home, delicious meals, and an inviting bedroom. From the perils of "courting" to the inevitable list of wedding gifts to the household tips that any self-respecting new wife should know, this book collects heartwarming personal anecdotes from women who embarked on...
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Women's History Non-Fiction History Parenting & Relationships Social Science Social SciencesHello BOILS and GHOULS, and WELCOME to the ThriftBooks Grand Historical Tour of the Horror Genre! I'll be your guide for the evening, the THRIFT KEEPER (named for my devilish ability to find the Best Bargains among Blood-Curdling titles!), here to lead you towards some scintillatingly sinister selections.