Chloe understands that the gut takes a serious beating during cases of CIRS, Lyme, SIBO, IMO, Candida, Parasites, Heavy Metal Toxicity, Mycoplasma, and more So, she only wants to provide effective, research-backed, gut-healing strategies. And, with around 200 scientific research articles cited, the reader can feel confident knowing that Chloe effectively combines research with experience in order to weed out what doesn't work from what does
Following her "gold mine" of 75 gut-healing tactics, she dedicates an entire chapter to Q & A. Simply stated, she lists out a series of questions that the reader can ask him/herself, such as "Am I having a difficult time digesting ...?" Following each question, she details which tactics (1-75) were most helpful for her. She calls this "Chloe's Gut Hotline."
All-in-all, this could be your guide to: