The Sleep Lady(R)approach is founded on my general beliefs as a family therapist: I'm a proponent of parents developing and maintaining a secure attachment with their child while creating a family life where everyone is happy, healthy and well-rested. My sleep approach builds on step-by-step changes in bedtime, napping and overnight routines so that a child can develop sleep independence and sleep more soundly and longer while feeling confident that Mom and Dad will be nearby and responsive. It's a gentler alternative for families who can't stomach the idea of letting their babies cry it out; for families who have tried Ferber without success; and for families who had success earlier on with crying it out but find that it isn't working now. I have also worked with families who believe in co-sleeping but whose babies don't really sleep all that well, even nestled snugly with Mom and Dad. And I've guided many families who did co-sleep for a few months or a few years but now want the family bed to revert to a marital one.
52 Sleep Secrets for Babies summarizes much of what I have learned from working with hundreds of families and that I now teach to the new parents I see in my practice and through my website. So many have asked me for a quick and easy to follow guide to helping their babies learn to sleep and to help them prevent problems down the road, I have put together this little book that you can carry with you anywhere and refer to before and after sleep problems arise.