Librarians, teachers, and media specialists always need new ways to engage students in learning. Here are 19 theme-based, three-dimensional bulletin board designs to inspire and direct learning in fifth through ninth grades. The boards are grouped into five subject areas, and each board and its activities can either be used alone or as part of a series. For example, the "Flight" section features eye-catching and educational boards spotlighting outer space, the Tuskegee Airmen, hot air balloons, and NASA. More than just decoration, each board is the centerpiece of a focused effort involving numerous learning activities across the curriculum.
This work illustrates each board and gives detailed construction steps, suggestions for books and other items to include in the board's area, and several activity sheets that direct students to read, write, explore, and create as part of an engaging experience that attracts even the resistant learner. With these exciting ideas, library staff and teachers will find it easy to use these plans, or find inspiration for their own.