A fever has gripped the country.
At last, immortality has been democratized.
And few are content to wait.
They want it now, even if it means trading in their fleshy existence to get it.
The trash, in all its many forms, has been taken out. The American Renaissance, "heaven on Earth," as the president calls it, has blossomed. Economic prosperity, as it turns out, was the sugar they needed to help the medicine go down. And the entertainment algorithm on their television screens never called their attention to the continual erosion of their freedoms. There were too many funny cat videos to be watched.
Then, it finally happened. The merging of man and machine. At least that is what they had been led to believe.
While everyone was told the follow the truth, the family, what was left of it anyway, was the only one to actually find it. If they get it out, then the whole thing will unravel. All the progress will be undone. Now they're on the run. And the Prags will stop at nothing until the problem has been eradicated.
The only threat to the reign is a one they did not expect: a twelve-year old boy.