We hold our breathe too often and too long.(may it be from stress, busyness , over-focussed ). This book teaches us to breathe, stretch and relax. Its simple to read and less technical than other ones I have read on this subject. From there, with a series of eye excercises, your eye vision will improve. Our eyes are dynamic , why get locked in by a pair of glasses. Without eye exercises, our eyes will only go down-hill with...
I wanted to ditch my reading glasses and thought I'd give this a try. I was pleasantly surprised at the content and find it very informative and useful. We'll see over the next few weeks how things progress but so far I'm happy with this book.
The book, written by Lysette Scholls is fully dedicated to palming, stretching, yoga relax, breathing, exercises fit for the eyes. I have cast a glance through the whole book and I have been suddenly in the right mood: the whole matter is interesting and stimulating. I think the result of the training will be good not only for the eyes but for the whole body and for the mind too. The book should be seriously read because it...