In today's technological world, Lisa counsels clients on more than their table manners. Thanks to the explosion of social media, netiquette is a vital new discipline. If a tweet hits the fan, it doesn't matter if you're a "nobody" or a "somebody"; repercussions are real and sometimes devastating.
Everyone, regardless of their proximity to the Hollywood stars, can pick up something to apply to their own lives through the stories Lisa shares about her experiences with her most amusing, clueless, and stubborn clients. The inquiries never cease to amaze her.
Teaching an Oscar nominee how to successfully navigate the red carpetInstructing sixty sorority girls how to use a fork and knife properlyTutoring a child actress requiring formal instruction on interacting with "normal" peopleCounseling an overnight rags-to-riches success story without a clue how to fit inTraining soldiers specializing in interrogation how to assimilate back to their home lives