Today, kids are more stressed than ever. Fortunately, stress relief for kids is possible These coping skills help kids avoid toxic stress, manage their frustrations, and feel happier. Positive coping skills are necessary because studies show that kids who can self-regulate have a higher chance of excelling in virtually every area of life.
This kids personal growth book is ideal for parents, teachers, coaches, and anyone who longs to help kids succeed. In addition to providing an abundance of stress-busting and mood-boosting skills, it also offers valuable insights into why coping skills work.
Stress and anxiety problems are real. Children are far too valuable to wait and hope their situation improves. Take action by learning the creative parenting ideas and positive coping skills in this book. Then, inspire your kids to bust stress, be happier, and achieve their goals
As a bonus, this kid's personal growth book comes with a free, coping skills workbook. This coping skills workbook will assist you in diving deeper into the stress management skills and creative parenting ideas inside. So why wait? Pick up this coping skills book. Promote stress management for kids and anxiety relief for kids. Then, help your kids bust stress, boost their mood, and achieve their goals
131 Stress Busters and Mood Boosters for Kids, is part of a positive parenting books series that includes 131 Conversations that Engage Kids, and 131 Boredom Busters and Creativity Builders for Kids.
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