Parents and teens are often disconnected and at odds with one another. Fortunately, this doesn't have to be the case. In 131 Connecting Conversations for parents and Teens, parents will discover why proactively connecting with their teenager matters, and how connecting equips teens and tweens to live healthier, happier, more joy-filled lives.
Next, put these dynamic relationship-building tools into action with the creative conversation starters in this book. Lastly, parents will discover practical steps for keeping their teenagers engaged in face-to-face conversations in our increasingly virtual world. This is important because the recent increase in electronics use has led to a decline in face-to-face conversations and has led to an overall rise in teenage mental health issues. Fortunately, there is much that parents can do to combat this trend. In this creative parenting book, you will find hope and specific action steps for positively parenting young adults.
These conversation starters are founded on Biblical principles and reinforce essential values. Some conversation starters are faith-based. Others are fun and funny. All of them promote connection and growth.
Don't merely read about positive parenting strategies. Instead, take action with this Christian parenting book that provides practical strategies for parenting teens and parenting tweens.
131 Connecting Conversations for Parents and Teens, is more than just another parenting book. Take action by scrolling to the top of this page and clicking "buy now." Then, connect with your teenager or tweenager more closely than ever before
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