I wish I knew this book existed before I gave birth. This book encourages you to trust your own instincts!! Not what the latest doctor said, not what your mother said. I would have benefited from this book early on. I had too many outside influences, I started questioning my own gut and well wouldn't you know, according to this book I was right on all of it. Just go with your own instincts, they're always right.
I am not a mother yet, but my sister has practiced attachment parenting with all of her 5 children and they are happy children.They are not clingy, whiny brats who want everything in site.They live with us and I can see the benefits of this style of parenting.I have also seen children who's parents treat them otherwise, and I can already see the effects from it.They are more clingly, more whiny and more aggressive.I especially...
I thought this book was AMAZING! I had not read much about attachment parenting prior and wasn't sure it was even an option for me but after reading Lisa McCourt's book I wouldn't raise my baby any other way. I especially liked the well written psychological insights she gives. As a psychologist I have to say that her viewpoints are right on in regards to the psychological and emotional well-being of a child. As a future...
Excellent tips and pearls of wisdom on how to raise a happy baby. It works! I have a happy baby as a result. Refreshing alternative in this selfish era of "putting yur baby on a schedule to fit your lifestyle." You can not give a child too much love. The information given is what women have known for centuries - nuture your babies. It is instict to nuture but women go against their insticts and follow the trends. Nuture...