From the onset of 101+ Resources for Veterans: The Ultimate Resource Guide project, it has been our goal to create and provide a resource that will dramatically simplify the process veterans and their family members go through to identify and engage the resources they need to make the transition to life after service.
The book covers:
Clickable Institute of Technology, Entrepreneurship and Digital Marketing Veterans Business Services Accion Lending American Corporate Partners & more...Wellness
Hope For The Warriors Allied Forces Foundation Freedom Service Dogs of America Puppies Behind Bars Higher Ground Sun Valley David Lynch Foundation & more...Employment
Hire a Hero Hire Heroes USA American Corporate Partners American Dream U Joining Forces Transition Assistance Program & more...Transition Services
Hope For The Warriors The Mission Continues Operation Homefront Veterans Healing Farm Disabled American Veterans Injured Marine Semper Fi Fund & more...Education
Student Veterans of America Tech Qualled American Dream U Allied Forces Foundation American Corporate Partners AMVETS National Service Foundation & more...Community & Housing
Fisher House Foundation Veterans Support Foundation Operation Renewed Hope Foundation Veterans Association of Real Estate Professionals Gary Sinise Foundation Air Force Enlisted Village & more...