"The happiness I feel in offering these to you is vast as a savanna," Pablo Neruda wrote his adored wife, Matilde Urrutia de Neruda, in his dedication of One Hundred Love Sonnets. Set against the backdrop of his beloved Isla Negra, these joyfully sensual poems draw...
"The happiness I feel in offering these to you is vast as a savanna," Pablo Neruda wrote his adored wife, Matilde Urrutia de Neruda, in his dedication of One Hundred Love Sonnets. Set against the backdrop of his beloved Isla Negra, these joyfully sensual poems draw...
Neruda canta a su compa era y musa Matilde, pero tambi n a la naturaleza de un pa s, Chile, del que tuvo que exiliarse y al que regres poco antes de la publicaci n de este libro. El mar, la tierra y las diferentes fases del d a evocan estados de nimo y son los hilos conductores...
Against the backdrop of Isla Negra - the sea and wind, the white sand with its scattering of delicate wild flowers, the hot sun and salty smells of the Pacific - the poet sets the poems in celebration of his love. The subject of that love is Matilde Urrutia de Neruda, the poet's...
Pablo Neruda is still one of the most widely read, influential and beloved 20th-century poets. He was a Nobel Laureate, famous for his politically engaged lyrics. He also wrote bold and sensual sonnets. Now, more than fifty years after his death, this compilation of his sonnets,...
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"Sensual as a tropical night swirling in honeysuckle and jazz, with its lush textures and effervescent lyricism, this book is like a smokey champagne which two lovers, mesmerized by each other's presence, are sipping".--"San Francisco Examiner".
"Sensual as a tropical night swirling in honeysuckle and jazz, with its lush textures and effervescent lyricism, this book is like a smokey champagne which two lovers, mesmerized by each other's presence, are sipping".--"San Francisco Examiner".