Here are 100 puzzles broken down into 60 Word Search and 40 Word Scrambles with the answer key in the back of the book. These puzzles are science, technology, electronics, and math based with a little art to round things out.
Intelligent grandparents let their clever grand kids use the Word Seek book when they come over for the weekend. Smart Aunts give their smart nephews and nieces puzzle books as birthday or Christmas gifts. Teachers use these Word Find puzzles in the classroom for vocabulary supplements or extra study guides. Parents pick up a Search Word book to change their thoughts (not work ) in leisure time. Families can use puzzle books for those daily no electronic (no devices ) times.
Size: 8.5x11
Puzzle Types: Word Search & Word Scrambles
Ages: 13 to 18 (and up)
Grades: Advanced Middle School (grades 6-8), High School (grades 9-12)
Tools Needed: Pencil and eraser (Advanced: pen)
Themes: science, anatomy, math, space, engineering, electricity, bridge, weather, color
Uses: waiting rooms, long car rides to the beach, quiet time in church, airplane travel, road trip
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