"This go-green manual gets kids in the can-do spirit with a hands-on approach." -- The Horn Book Do you remember to turn off the tap while you brush your teeth? How about using both sides of the paper when writing and drawing? Bold, child-friendly illustrations...
Even young children are eager to help the environment - and here is a bright, inviting novelty book that offers simple ways to make a difference. Do you remember to turn off the tap while you brush your teeth? How about using both sides of the paper when writing and drawing?...
Ce magnifique album interactif propose dix gestes verts que les enfants peuvent facilement poser ? chaque jour. Une fa?on simple, efficace et amusante d'encourager les jeunes ? apprendre comment devenir des adultes avis's et respectueux de l'environnement.
Comment les jeunes peuvent-ils faire pour ?conomiser l'?nergie et l'eau potable? Que peuvent-ils faire pour sauver des arbres? Et comment peuvent-ils contribuer ? am?liorer la qualit? de l'air? Ils n'ont qu'? soulever les rabats pour d?couvrir tous les petits gestes qu'ils...
Creative die-cut illustrations will teach children about the simple things they can do on a daily basis to help out our planet such as turning off lights and appliances while they're not in use, walking instead of taking a car for simple errands, and recycling. By providing 10...