From the very first surplus we handled in 2003, we knew we were in love. Because libraries and thrift stores had extra books that needed a home, and we had readers who needed books. We've been building partnerships ever since. See why our partners love us, below.
We give more books a second life--and the planet a chance. Our high sales volume ensures more books reach new readers, not landfills.
Thanks to terms that give back and higher traffic, we sell more while you make more.
You pack. We pick up, sell, and send your money. How adorable is that?
Box and seal your completed order(s) and stack them on a pallet for pickup.
Once your inventory is ready, contact us, and we'll pick it up promptly - because we like to keep things easy for you.
Your work is done! We'll handle the rest and post your payout to your account as soon as we process your order.
6M books donated worldwide
1B books saved from landfills
10M books sold to raise library funds
16K acres of forest saved via recycling
I have had great working relationships with the entire ThriftBooks team including account managers, logistics, accounting & everyone in between. We trust ThriftBooks 100% and feel that we have generally had very closely aligned goals. It has been a pleasure to be a part of such a massive recycling operation that truly has benefited people around the globe and helped save our planet from a lot of excess waste. I have had the pleasure to see a number of your warehouses/processing facilities over the years and I have always been impressed at TB's growth and ability to stay the leader in the industry for so many years. I am proud to be a partner to TB and have been since the beginning. Broker- Washington
We have been using ThriftBooks for our used books for over two years and are very happy. Pickups are reliable and on time and payment is fast and easy with their direct deposit program. ThriftBooks keeps us stocked with pallets and gaylords and makes the whole process stress-free. Thrift Store- California
My experience working with ThriftBooks over the last 10 years has been nothing short of amazing. They go out of their way to make sure I am taken care of. Communication is always clear and timely. Trucks usually show up as scheduled. If there's going to be a delay then they let me know right away. Payment is always made promptly. Not having to worry about many of the logistical details provides great peace of mind for someone like myself running a small business with many different components to juggle. ThriftBooks consistency over the years has been a major stress reducer for me. Everybody at ThriftBooks is always professional and friendly. Broker- California
ThriftBooks helped us solve a difficult problem: The disposal of books and other materials no longer suitable for our public library collection. Before our partnership with ThriftBooks, we worked with our Friends of the Library groups to sell books at annual book sales. While these books sales were a lot of fun, they were a lot of work and didn't bring in a lot of money. Most books were sold for an average of 10 to 25 cents each. We were not able to capture the full value for items such as first editions. Through ThriftBooks, we are clearly receiving much closer to the full price for our rare and valuable discarded items. It is very important to us that ThriftBooks is able to recycle much of what they are unable to sell. I have found ThriftBooks to be conscientious, trustworthy and responsive. I heartily recommend their services to all libraries. Library- Northwest
We used ThriftBooks for a few years already and are very satisfied with the services we received and also the incomes generated from the sales of those materials. Our loading dock was overflowed with weeded materials after our month-long closure of the physical locations. Staff from ThriftBooks worked tirelessly to schedule pickups from limited trucking companies so that materials can be shipped out ASAP for us to regain the control of much needed space. Library- Northeast
Becoming a ThriftBooks partner was hands down one of the best business decisions we made in 2021. The top-notch client care and logistical services they offer is solid. What struck us instantly was the speed at which they not only receive / ready our product for sale but how quickly they actually sell it! A clear testament to their stellar name recognition in the bookselling marketplace. We couldn't be happier calling ourselves a member of the ThriftBooks family and look forward to many more years of mutual success to come. Bookseller- New York
I just wanted to take a moment and testify to how great I enjoy working with ThriftBooks as a buyer of used books. As a busy salvage manager with tons on my plate it is such a relief to have such a reliable and consistent partner as ThriftBooks. They always pay on time and pick up when scheduled which makes my warehouses happy and my life so much easier. Their team is such a pleasure to work with. They are responsive to my needs (even my last minute requests) and they are wonderful people as well. We have partnered together for my four years in salvage and I hope to continue this relationship for many years to come. Thrift Store- Virginia