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See which books we love, what they're worth, and say “so long” to clutter.

Ship them to us for FREE.

Print the FREE shipping label, box up your books, and let them fly.

Get paid.

We receive your BuyBack, verify it, and pay you with Store Credit or PayPal - your choice!

Books and movies welcome here.


From fiction to rom-com, turn those chapters into cash! Bring us your books in good condition and if it's a match, we'll buy them back.

DVDs & Blu‑Ray

Film lover? Become an Earth hugger! Keep your movies out of landfills and sell them to us for cash. (All genres, welcome.)

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  • Fast barcode scanner
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  • So easy to use

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Looking for a large scale selling option?

Looking for a large scale selling option?

Turn your book inventory into cash!

BuyBack Enterprise Program
  • High-volume selling: Move thousands of books per year.
  • Hassle-free process: Easily sell your inventory with minimal effort.
  • Free shipping: We cover shipping costs for boxes, pallets or gaylords.
  • Quick payouts: Keep your cash flow moving with our fast payment processing.
Contact Us
BuyBack Enterprise Program

Frequently Asked Questions

Our acceptance depends on current market needs and inventory levels, which can change frequently. We do our best to accept as many books as possible

Our offers vary based on current market value and our inventory levels. We strive to give you the best value along with free shipping.

Yes, shipping is free when you use the one-time Prepaid Shipping Label provided by us. You can find a link to the label on your 'BuyBack Order Detail' page found within the 'My Account' section of our website.

Please note that the FREE Prepaid Shipping Label covers just ONE box, and it should weigh no more than 40 lbs. If you use several smaller boxes, unfortunately, we won't be able to accept your BuyBack or issue a payout for your books. Also, please be aware that rejected BuyBacks cannot be shipped back.

We do not reimburse you for shipping when you use a different carrier.

Once we receive your box and confirm its contents, we'll start the payment process for ThriftBooks store credit, or to the PayPal account you provided.

Please allow up to 20 business days for your payment to be processed. This includes up to 14 business days for shipping and 5-6 business days for processing.

Absolutely! We buy books as long as they are in acceptable or better condition.

Our BuyBack program is designed to accept only ONE BOX weighing no more than 40 lbs. If you have more books to sell, you can easily create multiple BuyBacks to accommodate them.

We ask that your books are in acceptable or better condition so that someone else can enjoy them.

Guidelines for evaluating acceptable condition:

  • The cover and all pages are intact.
  • Minimal wear to the spine and all pages are firmly attached to the binding.
  • Less than 30% of the book has highlighting/underlining or writing.
  • No substantial damage to the corners, edges, or cover.
  • No fire or smoke damage.
  • No strong odor of any kind.

We do not buy:

  • Instructor Edition Textbooks
  • Examination Copies
  • Teacher's Editions
  • Advanced Readers Copy (ARC)
  • Items that are sexually explicit and/or offensive
  • Any items marked "Not for resale"
  • Any books without an ISBN
ThriftBooks BuyBack Terms & Conditions

Last Updated: July 28, 2023. Please read these terms and conditions carefully. By submitting any book, CD, or DVD to ThriftBooks for purchase, you agree to the Terms and Conditions provided below. See Full Terms & Conditions