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publishing, bible quotes Notebook
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1 Corinthians 15:33: Bad Company Corrupts Good Character: Bible Notebook Journal
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By small means the lord can bring about great things  Notebook: Blank Composition Book, Bible,Christian journal,faith Notebook: Lined Notebook / Journal Gift, 110 Pages, 6x9, Soft Cover, Matte Finish
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Too many blessings to be ungrateful  Notebook: Blank Composition Book, Bible,Christian journal,faith Notebook: Lined Notebook / Journal Gift, 110 Pages, 6x9, Soft Cover, Matte Finish
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But the lord stood with me and gave me strength  Notebook: Blank Composition Book, Bible,Christian journal,faith Notebook: Lined Notebook / Journal Gift, 110 Pages, 6x9, Soft Cover, Matte Finish
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Grace upon grace  Notebook: Blank Composition Book, Bible,Christian journal,faith Notebook: Lined Notebook / Journal Gift, 110 Pages, 6x9, Soft Cover, Matte Finish
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Serve one another in love  Notebook: Blank Composition Book, Bible,Christian journal,faith Notebook: Lined Notebook / Journal Gift, 110 Pages, 6x9, Soft Cover, Matte Finish
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Trust the process  Notebook: Blank Composition Book, Bible,Christian journal,faith Notebook: Lined Notebook / Journal Gift, 110 Pages, 6x9, Soft Cover, Matte Finish
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Grateful thankful blessed  Notebook: Blank Composition Book, Bible,Christian journal,faith Notebook: Lined Notebook / Journal Gift, 110 Pages, 6x9, Soft Cover, Matte Finish
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Lord give me patience  Notebook: Blank Composition Book, Bible,Christian journal,faith Notebook: Lined Notebook / Journal Gift, 110 Pages, 6x9, Soft Cover, Matte Finish
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Rise above and beyond  Notebook: Blank Composition Book, Bible,Christian journal,faith Notebook: Lined Notebook / Journal Gift, 110 Pages, 6x9, Soft Cover, Matte Finish
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Rise up and pray  Notebook: Blank Composition Book, Bible,Christian journal,faith Notebook: Lined Notebook / Journal Gift, 110 Pages, 6x9, Soft Cover, Matte Finish
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Gratitude is the best attitude  Notebook: Blank Composition Book, Bible,Christian journal,faith Notebook: Lined Notebook / Journal Gift, 110 Pages, 6x9, Soft Cover, Matte Finish
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All things are possible  Notebook: Blank Composition Book, Bible,Christian journal,faith Notebook: Lined Notebook / Journal Gift, 110 Pages, 6x9, Soft Cover, Matte Finish
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All things are possible   Notebook: Blank Composition Book, Bible,Christian journal,faith Notebook: Lined Notebook / Journal Gift, 110 Pages, 6x9, Soft Cover, Matte Finish
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Be strong and courageous  Notebook: Blank Composition Book, Bible,Christian journal,faith Notebook: Lined Notebook / Journal Gift, 110 Pages, 6x9, Soft Cover, Matte Finish
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He restores my soul  Notebook: Blank Composition Book, Bible,Christian journal,faith Notebook: Lined Notebook / Journal Gift, 110 Pages, 6x9, Soft Cover, Matte Finish
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Where god guides he provides  Notebook: Blank Composition Book, Bible,Christian journal,faith Notebook: Lined Notebook / Journal Gift, 110 Pages, 6x9, Soft Cover, Matte Finish
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I will not be shaken  Notebook: Blank Composition Book, Bible,Christian journal,faith Notebook: Lined Notebook / Journal Gift, 110 Pages, 6x9, Soft Cover, Matte Finish
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Faith family and farm life  Notebook: Blank Composition Book, Bible,Christian journal,faith Notebook: Lined Notebook / Journal Gift, 110 Pages, 6x9, Soft Cover, Matte Finish
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There is a blessing in the storm  Notebook: Blank Composition Book, Bible,Christian journal,faith Notebook: Lined Notebook / Journal Gift, 110 Pages, 6x9, Soft Cover, Matte Finish
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God will direct your steps  Notebook: Blank Composition Book, Bible,Christian journal,faith Notebook: Lined Notebook / Journal Gift, 110 Pages, 6x9, Soft Cover, Matte Finish
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Where god guides her provides  Notebook: Blank Composition Book, Bible,Christian journal,faith Notebook: Lined Notebook / Journal Gift, 110 Pages, 6x9, Soft Cover, Matte Finish
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You are god's masterpiece  Notebook: Blank Composition Book, Bible,Christian journal,faith Notebook: Lined Notebook / Journal Gift, 110 Pages, 6x9, Soft Cover, Matte Finish
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Small seeds of gratitude will produce a harvest of hope  Notebook: Blank Composition Book, Bible,Christian journal,faith Notebook: Lined Notebook / ... 110 Pages, 6x9, Soft Cover, Matte Finish
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For this child i prayed   Notebook: Blank Composition Book, Bible,Christian journal,faith Notebook: Lined Notebook / Journal Gift, 110 Pages, 6x9, Soft Cover, Matte Finish
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God will direct your steps 02  Notebook: Blank Composition Book, Bible,Christian journal,faith Notebook: Lined Notebook / Journal Gift, 110 Pages, 6x9, Soft Cover, Matte Finish
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Jesus is the anchor to my soul  Notebook: Blank Composition Book, Bible,Christian journal,faith Notebook: Lined Notebook / Journal Gift, 110 Pages, 6x9, Soft Cover, Matte Finish
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He fills my cup with grace  Notebook: Blank Composition Book, Bible,Christian journal,faith Notebook: Lined Notebook / Journal Gift, 110 Pages, 6x9, Soft Cover, Matte Finish
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Be a light for all to see  Notebook: Blank Composition Book, Bible,Christian journal,faith Notebook: Lined Notebook / Journal Gift, 110 Pages, 6x9, Soft Cover, Matte Finish
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Difficult roads often lead to beautiful destinations 01  Notebook: Blank Composition Book, Bible,Christian journal,faith Notebook: Lined Notebook / ... 110 Pages, 6x9, Soft Cover, Matte Finish
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You're stronger than you know  Notebook: Blank Composition Book, Bible,Christian journal,faith Notebook: Lined Notebook / Journal Gift, 110 Pages, 6x9, Soft Cover, Matte Finish
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He heals the wounds of every shattered heart  Notebook: Blank Composition Book, Bible,Christian journal,faith Notebook: Lined Notebook / Journal Gift, 110 Pages, 6x9, Soft Cover, Matte Finish
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Hand picked by my grandma in heaven  Notebook: Blank Composition Book, Bible,Christian journal,faith Notebook: Lined Notebook / Journal Gift, 110 Pages, 6x9, Soft Cover, Matte Finish
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The best view comes after the hardest climb  Notebook: Blank Composition Book, Bible,Christian journal,faith Notebook: Lined Notebook / Journal Gift, 110 Pages, 6x9, Soft Cover, Matte Finish
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Act justly love mercy walk humbly  Notebook: Blank Composition Book, Bible,Christian journal,faith Notebook: Lined Notebook / Journal Gift, 110 Pages, 6x9, Soft Cover, Matte Finish
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Hand picked by my grandpa in heaven  Notebook: Blank Composition Book, Bible,Christian journal,faith Notebook: Lined Notebook / Journal Gift, 110 Pages, 6x9, Soft Cover, Matte Finish
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Storms make trees take deeper roots  Notebook: Blank Composition Book, Bible,Christian journal,faith Notebook: Lined Notebook / Journal Gift, 110 Pages, 6x9, Soft Cover, Matte Finish
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Do not grieve for the joy of the lord is your strength  Notebook: Blank Composition Book, Bible,Christian journal,faith Notebook: Lined Notebook / ... 110 Pages, 6x9, Soft Cover, Matte Finish
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Knock and the door will open for you  Notebook: Blank Composition Book, Bible,Christian journal,faith Notebook: Lined Notebook / Journal Gift, 110 Pages, 6x9, Soft Cover, Matte Finish
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Be still and know that i am god  Notebook: Blank Composition Book, Bible,Christian journal,faith Notebook: Lined Notebook / Journal Gift, 110 Pages, 6x9, Soft Cover, Matte Finish
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Empty yourself and let god fill you  Notebook: Blank Composition Book, Bible,Christian journal,faith Notebook: Lined Notebook / Journal Gift, 110 Pages, 6x9, Soft Cover, Matte Finish
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The lord is greater than the giants you face  Notebook: Blank Composition Book, Bible,Christian journal,faith Notebook: Lined Notebook / Journal Gift, 110 Pages, 6x9, Soft Cover, Matte Finish
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Don't let your heart be troubled  Notebook: Blank Composition Book, Bible,Christian journal,faith Notebook: Lined Notebook / Journal Gift, 110 Pages, 6x9, Soft Cover, Matte Finish
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When i wait you strengthen my heart  Notebook: Blank Composition Book, Bible,Christian journal,faith Notebook: Lined Notebook / Journal Gift, 110 Pages, 6x9, Soft Cover, Matte Finish
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Mightier than the waves of the sea is his love for you  Notebook: Blank Composition Book, Bible,Christian journal,faith Notebook: Lined Notebook / ... 110 Pages, 6x9, Soft Cover, Matte Finish
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For with god nothing shall be impossible  Notebook: Blank Composition Book, Bible,Christian journal,faith Notebook: Lined Notebook / Journal Gift, 110 Pages, 6x9, Soft Cover, Matte Finish
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The lord will fulfill his purpose for me   Notebook: Blank Composition Book, Bible,Christian journal,faith Notebook: Lined Notebook / Journal Gift, 110 Pages, 6x9, Soft Cover, Matte Finish
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There is always something to be thankful for  Notebook: Blank Composition Book, Bible,Christian journal,faith Notebook: Lined Notebook / Journal Gift, 110 Pages, 6x9, Soft Cover, Matte Finish
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Kind words are like honey sweet to the soul  Notebook: Blank Composition Book, Bible,Christian journal,faith Notebook: Lined Notebook / Journal Gift, 110 Pages, 6x9, Soft Cover, Matte Finish
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