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Bariani, Nelson Victoria
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Tracciabilità e certificazione dei bovini
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Rückverfolgbarkeit und Zertifizierung von Rindern
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Bovine Traceability and Certification
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Traçabilité et certification des bovins
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Physikalisch-mathematische Modelle in den Agrarwissenschaften
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Estudos em Sensoriamento Remoto Aplicados a Lavouras Comerciais
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Des outils pour lutter contre le décrochage et la rétention dans les universités: Technologies de l'information et de la communication, pédagogie à ... des incidents critiques
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Tools to tackle dropout and retention in universities
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Strumenti per contrastare l'abbandono e la fidelizzazione nelle università
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Monitoraggio tramite telerilevamento delle colture commerciali
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Surveillance par télédétection des cultures commerciales
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Remote Sensing Monitoring of Commercial Crops
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Modelos Físico-Matemáticos Nas Ciências Agrárias
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Monitoramento Por Sensoriamento Remoto De Lavouras Comerciais
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Fernerkundungsüberwachung von Nutzpflanzen
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Modelli fisico-matematici nelle scienze agrarie
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Instrumente zur Bekämpfung von Abbruch und Verbleib an Universitäten
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Fotointerpretazione di immagini satellitari nelle coltivazioni di seminativi (Italian Edition)
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Fotointerpretation von Satellitenbildern in Ackerkulturen (German Edition)
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Surveillance des cultures par satellite
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Monitoramento Da Cultura Da Soja Por Satélite: Buriticupu, Maranhão, Brasil
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Monitoraggio delle colture da satellite
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Satellite Crop Monitoring
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