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Abo-Elyousr, Kamal
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Studies on Bacterial Soft Rot Disease of Potato Tuber: Erwinia carotovora subsp. carotovora.(Jones) Dye
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Biologische Kontrolle: der Fusarium-Welkekrankheit an Tomatenpflanzen
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Biological control of Fusarium wilt disease on tomato plant: Biological Control
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Rhizoctonia root-rot disease of soybean and its control: Rhizoctonia root-rot disease of soybean
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Biologische Bekämpfung von Rhizoctonia solani
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Biologiczne zwalczanie Rhizoctonia solani: Biologiczne zwalczanie Rhizoctonia solani - patogenu sprawcy zgnilizny korzeni alfa alfa za pomocą różnych bioagentów
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Biological control of Rhizoctonia solani: Biological control of Rhizoctonia solani the causal pathogen of alfalfa root by different bioagents
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Controllo biologico di Rhizoctonia solani: Controllo biologico di Rhizoctonia solani il patogeno causale del marciume radicale alfa alfa da diversi bioagenti
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Controle biológico da Rhizoctonia solani: Controle biológico da Rhizoctonia solani o patógeno causal da podridão da raiz alfa por diferentes bioagentes
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Contrôle biologique de Rhizoctonia solani: Lutte biologique contre Rhizoctonia solani, l'agent pathogène responsable de la pourriture des racines de ... agents biologiques
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Control of bacterial soft rot of potato by using certain essential oil
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Studies on induced resistance against bacterial fire blight of apple
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A doen�a da sarna comum da batata e seu controle
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Palaszka pospolita ziemniaka i jej zwalczanie
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La enfermedad de la sarna de la papa y su control (Spanish Edition)
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Controllo biologico
Save $4.22! List Price: $67.00
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Condition: New
Kontrola biologiczna
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Biologische Bek?mpfung der Wurzelf?ule von Schwarzk?mmel
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Controlo biol?gico da doen?a da podrid?o das ra?zes do cominho preto
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Controllo biologico del marciume radicale del cumino nero
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Lutte biologique contre la pourriture des racines du cumin noir
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