By ThriftBooks Team • January 21, 2025
By Ashly Moore Sheldon • December 20, 2024
It's time for our annual collection of the best books of the year. The titles that made the cut cover a robust range of genres. This roundup includes the standouts in romance & horror. Check out past posts on literary fiction & nonfiction; kids & YA; and mystery & sci-fi/fantasy.
By Ashly Moore Sheldon • October 06, 2024
As we move into autumn, many readers are drawn to books with a chilling quality. Our newest survey, conducted by Talker Research and commissioned by Thriftbooks, investigated all things related to the spooky genre and what we found turned into a riveting tale. Here are some of our most arresting findings.
By Ashly Moore Sheldon • September 29, 2024
It's almost October! And that means it's time to double down on book-to-screen horror—meaning read the books and watch the adaptations. Here are seventeen frightfully good horror novels that have been adapted to the screen.
By Ashly Moore Sheldon • September 10, 2024
Who's already excited for the spooky season? We are! With lots of great new horror literature coming out, we're getting into the perfect headspace for witches, ghosts, monsters, ghouls, and more. Here are thirteen new horror books to read (or pre-order) now.
By Ashly Moore Sheldon • October 29, 2023
Adapting literary horror to the screen is tricky. Sometimes it means staying faithful to the original text. But sometimes the director must take some liberties with the source material. Here are eleven of our favorite book-to-screen horror adaptations.
By Terry Fleming • January 17, 2023
Hello Boils and Ghouls! THRIFT KEEPER here (named for my devilish ability to find the Best Bargains among Blood-Curdling titles!), and today I'd like to talk to you about dolls.
By ThriftBooks Team • October 25, 2022
By Amanda Cleveland • October 23, 2022
Because it's the spookiest season, I tasked our staff to tell everyone 1) the scariest book they've ever read, and/or 2) the scariest movie they've ever seen, and 3) explain themselves with a quote so that you all might feast upon our tasty, tasty fear and maybe get scared yourself!
By William Shelton • October 18, 2022
Fear, where it is least expected, is all the more rich an experience. Such as when it is found among the pages of a story of romance, or a bucolic tale of life mundane. Here are my favorite tales with surprisingly dark moments.