By Bianca Smith • April 23, 2018
Were you forced to study William Shakespeare's plays in school? They can be counted as the classics we study before we're old enough to understand them really. The plays are also positioned as high-class classics, which is untrue. They were written as bawdy entertainment for the masses, and some of the language reflects that. Not that it has stopped us from using words and phrases invented by Shakespeare. Because of him we "wear our heart on our sleeve" and go on a "wild-goose chase" that results in us "not having slept a wink." And there are other phrases with very different meanings if you apply the Shakespearean definitions. It's a little too rude for here, but Harry Potter fans will never think of Ravenclaws the same if they look up what "wit beyond measure is man's greatest pleasure" also means.
As well as influencing our modern language, Shakespeare has influenced modern literature. Aldous Huxley's dystopian classic, Brave New World, takes the title directly from a speech given by Miranda in The Tempest, and there are also story parallels. But there are others too.