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Kids' Favorite Graphic Novels
Ignite a lifelong love of reading
Ignite a lifelong love of reading
With their playful illustrations and delightful humor, graphic novels are often the bridge that takes children from reading with adults to reading for fun alone, igniting a lifelong love of reading. Finding the right graphic novel can be exactly the spark a child needs to discover the magic of reading for themselves. These kids approved favorites will have them reading all summer long!
Dog Man: The Scarlet Shedder: A Graphic Novel (Dog Man #12): From the Creator of Captain Underpants
from $7.19
Five Nights at Freddy's: Fazbear Frights Graphic Novel Collection #1
from $5.39
Karen's Sleepover: A Graphic Novel (Baby-Sitters Little Sister #8)
from $9.69
Cat on the Run in Cat of Death! (Cat on the Run #1)
from $4.29
New Kid
from $4.69
Dog Man
from $4.89
No Brainer
from $7.59
The Dragonet Prophecy
from $4.39
Cat Kid Comic Club: From the Creator of Dog Man
from $4.69
The Last Comics on Earth
from $5.69
Diary of a Wimpy Kid
from $3.59
The Stonekeeper
from $4.29
Big Nate vol. 30
from $7.69
from $6.99
Plain Jane and the Mermaid
from $13.28
Narwhal's School of Awesomeness
from $4.39
from $4.19
Simpsons Comics Colossal Compendium Volume One
from $7.59
Avatar: The Last Airbender--Team Avatar Treasury Boxed Set
from $27.20
With their playful illustrations and delightful humor, graphic novels are often the bridge that takes children from reading with adults to reading for fun alone, igniting a lifelong love of reading. Finding the right graphic novel can be exactly the spark a child needs to discover the magic of reading for themselves. These kids approved favorites will have them reading all summer long!