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For the Book to Screen Fiend
Supergifter Pro-tip: To a fan (and let's be real, in general) the book is always better. So pick one of the recently adapted works here and you're done! No extra tips needed, you nailed it.
For the Role-Playing Master
Supergifter Pro-tip: If they haven't already sunk in, we recommend the Dungeons & Dragons Essentials Kit to get a fantasy fan started with a new favorite hobby. If they are an experienced Dungeon Master, any of the other Role-Playing Games here or Dungeons bonus kits will give them a new way to flex their creative muscles.
For the Gamer
Supergifter Pro-tip: If you don't know exactly which games they play, don't panic! We have both game-specific and general gifts here so that you can be a Supergifter no matter what details you have. Our top pick: Critical Hits, an anthology of essays that celebrates video game history.
For the One Who Writes Fanfiction
Supergifter Pro-tip: The gifts here, both nonfiction and fiction, celebrate fandom, creativity, and above all being passionate, which are all qualities a fanfiction writer has. Pick something here that reminds you of them and personalize it with a note on the inside praising their creativity to make it extra thoughtful.
Give the gift of escape this holiday with our Science Fiction & Fantasy Gift Guide. Travel to another world, encounter mythical creatures, and battle to save the humanity.