Like the thrill of learning to read, we seek to explore the unexplored, we seek to innovate. Reward does not come without some risk, so we try new things. Through curiosity we discover new stories, new information, and new approaches, and we recall the thrill of learning once again—eureka!
From our community of readers to our Processing Center teams to our suppliers, we are connected. While individually we each bring strengths, it is through unification of these that we achieve the greatest success. We work together to create extraordinary outcomes. We encourage feedback—from our customers, from our partners, and from each other. To do our best, we must behave as equals, offering transparency, showing respect, and caring for each other and our customers.
Our customers, like our business, seek value and we deliver. We are adopting the benefits of improved technology, advances in automation and warehouse processing, and increased scale to improve efficiency and the customer experience. We are leveraging data to improve merchandising yielding better bundles and revenue for the business and improved access for our customers.