- The true-born Englishman: a satyr, answer'd, paragraph by paragraph. The 2d edition corrected.
- Memoirs of the life of the late Reverend Dr. South. Containing I. An account of his travels into Poland, in the year 1674. ... IV. Three sermons. Not inserted in his works. The second edition.
- The patriots. A poem, in vindication of several worthy members of the late Parliament. Dedicated to the Honourable Robert Harley, ...
- Bickerstaff's Æsop: or, the humours of the times, digested into fables. Humbly dedicated to those flourishing sisters, the two universities of Great Britain.
- Some memoirs of the life of John Radcliffe, M.D. Interspersed with several original letters: his two speeches in Parliament, and a true copy of his last will and testament. The second edition.