- The Philippines: Colonialism, Collaboration, and Resistance!
- An American made tragedy;: Neo-colonialism & dictatorship in the Philippines,
- The forest, a personal record of the Huk guerrilla struggle in the Philippines
- Apartheid axis;: The United States and South Africa, (Little new world paperbacks, LNW-28)
- Apartheid, Imperialism and African Freedom
- Arthur Rimbaud
- John Miller Dow Meiklejohn
- Andy Riley
- Martin Heidegger
- Jacques Derrida
- James P. Carse
- Jacqueline Morton
- Susan Thurman
- Elisabeth Schüssler Fiorenza
- Robert M. Bohm
- James Ridgeway
- David Foster
- Edmund Husserl
- Richard C. Jeffrey
- Jerry Morris
- Hamish Kimmins
- Jack Westoby
- Bernard Sweeney
- Robert Desjarlais
- Michael Benson