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Conflict and Triumph: The Argument of the Book of Job Unfolded
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Professor Robertson Smith On The Pentateuch
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Pentateuch Analysis
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Prophets and Prophecy by Prof. W. H. Green: A Compilation From Notes of the Lectures Before the Senior Class
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Die Einheit der Genesis
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Prophets and Prophecy: A Compilation from Notes of the Lectures Before the Senior Class (Classic Reprint)
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Abyssus Mali, or the Corruption of Man's Nature: Briefly Handled in Some of Its Principal Parts; Grounded Upon Psal; 14; 1, 2, 3; Together With Man's ... Jesus Christ on Acts 16: 31
A Hebrew Chrestomathy, or, Lessons in Reading and Writing Hebrew [electronic Resource]
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General introduction to the Old Testament: The canon (Twin brooks series)
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