- Nonlinear Dynamics, Chaos, and Instability: Statistical Theory and Economic Evidence
- Black Hole Tariffs and Endogenous Policy Theory: Political Economy in General Equilibrium
- The Economics of Small Businesses: Their Role and Regulation in the U.S. Economy/Acers Research Study (Cera Research Study)
- The Importance of Small Decisions
- Growth Theory, Nonlinear Dynamics and Economic Modelling: Scientific Essays of William Allen Brock (Economists of the Twentieth Century)
- Joe Celko
- Greg Brue
- William G. Hunter
- J. Stuart Hunter
- Robert V. Hogg
- George E.P. Box
- Robert L. Brown
- Effy Oz
- David G. Luenberger
- William H. Greene
- Stuart A. Klugman
- Swain Scheps
- William S. Cleveland
- Ann E. Myhr
- Blake LeBaron
- David A. Hsieh
- Melvyn A. Fuss
- Richard C. Grinold
- Ronald N. Kahn
- Leon R. Gottlieb