Kenntnisse Von Allgemeinmedizinern
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Conoscenza Dei Medici Di Base
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Conhecimento DOS Médicos de Clínica Geral
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Knowledge of General Practitioners
Die Determinanten des Rauchverhaltens bei einer erwerbstätigen Bevölkerung (German Edition)
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Determinants of smoking behaviour in a working population
Determinanti del comportamento del fumatore in una popolazione di lavoratori (Italian Edition)
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Determinantes do comportamento tabágico numa população ativa (Portuguese Edition)
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Tabagisme chez les résidents en médecine: Habitudes, connaissances et aide au sevrage
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Education thérapeutique des patients atteints de BPCO: en médecine générale (French Edition)
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Fumar entre os médicos residentes (Portuguese Edition)
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Il fumo tra gli specializzandi in medicina (Italian Edition)
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Rauchen bei Medizinstudenten: Gewohnheiten, Wissen und Hilfe bei der Entwöhnung (German Edition)
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Smoking among medical residents: Habits, knowledge and withdrawal assistance
Nicht-mukoviszidosebedingte Bronchialerweiterung (German Edition)
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Dilatazione bronchiale da fibrosi non cistica (Italian Edition)
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Non-cystic fibrosis bronchial dilatation
Therapeutic education for COPD patients
Educação terapêutica para doentes com DPOC (Portuguese Edition)
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Therapeutische Bildung für COPD-Patienten (German Edition)
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Educazione terapeutica per i pazienti con BPCO (Italian Edition)
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Edukacja terapeutyczna dla pacjentów z POChP (Polish Edition)
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