Viana La Place
#21 in Italian
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#21 in Italian
Cucina Rustica
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Cucina Fresca: Italian Food, Simply Prepared
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Panini, Bruschetta, Crostini: Sandwiches, Italian Style
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Verdura: Vegetables Italian Style
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Pasta Fresca: An Exuberant Collection of Fresh, Vivid, and Simple Pasta Recipes
$4.19 - $5.69
La Bella Cucina: How to Cook, Eat, and Live Like an Italian
$5.99 - $6.69
My Italian Garden: More than 125 Seasonal Recipes from a Garden Inspired by Italy
$6.99 - $7.39
Unplugged Kitchen: A Return to the Simple, Authentic Joys of Cooking
$5.59 - $6.39
Desserts and Sweet Snacks: Rustic, Italian Style
$5.79 - $6.59