- The Lawyer's Guide to Writing Well
- Journalism and Truth: Strange Bedfellows (Medill Visions of the American Press)
- The News at Any Cost: How Journalists Compromise Their Ethics to Shape the News
- What the Truck: An Apocalypse LitRPG
- The End of the Trucking World: An Apocalypse LitRPG (Battle Trucker, 2)
- Jethro K. Lieberman
- Herma Hill Kay
- Terry Hull
- Jill J. Ramsfield
- James J. Mangraviti Jr.
- Steven Babitsky
- E. Edward Herman
- Janet Pitts Beckmann
- Daniel A. Bronstein
- Charles D. Kelso
- R. Kelso
- Rosalie Hamilton
- Jack E. Horsley
- Roy M. Mersky
- J. Myron Jacobstein
- Paula Hunt
- Bruce Morse
- Julia Porturas
- Cathleen S. Wharton
- Sharon Blesie Hicks