- Chorographia Britanniæ. Or a set of maps of all the counties in England and Wales: to which are prefix'd the following general maps, ... By Thomas ... and now neatly engrav'd by Will: Henry Toms.
- The history of the ancient and present state of the navigation of the port of King's-Lyn, and of Cambridge, and the rest of the trading-towns in those ... the method propos'd for draining the fens
- Reasons humbly offer'd to the consideration of the publick: shewing how the works to recover and preserve the navigation of the River Dee, The second edition.
- The new cut canal, intended for improving the navigation of the city of Chester, ... compared with the Welland, alias Spalding River, now silted up, and Deeping-Fens adjacent, now drowned. ...
- Chorographia Britanniae: or a New Set of Maps of All the Counties in England and Wales ... With the Particular Map of Each County, is an Account of ... Therein, the Number of Members It Sends To...