- Fish and Sea Life Cut & Use Stencils
- After Goodbye: How to Begin Again After the Death of Someone You Love
- Wizard of Oz Paper Dolls
- Baby Bears, Bunnies, and Other Little Critters Iron-on Transfer Patterns: 176 Designs for Workable Projects
- Nautical Cut & Use Stencils: 92 Full-Size Stencils Printed on Durable Stencil Paper
- Michael O. Smith
- Marcella O. Lynch
- Mark J. Britzman
- Annette Carruthers
- Allan W. Miller
- Marcella Lyncn
- Eugene Manlove Rhodes
- Charles Davey
- Roaring Fork Restaurant
- Simon Marsden
- James Archer Abbott
- Marion Yorck Von Wartenberg
- N. Vardy
- Kaui Philpotts
- Charmaine Yabsley
- Jamee Gregory
- Robert McGrath
- Lorenza DeMedici
- Jean-François Leroux
- Aubrey Noakes