Jake 2000: magnificent mutants/kids to heroes
Max Beetle and the Magnificent Mutants: kids to heroes
Christmas is Cancelled!
Out of Stock
Megan and the Hump: High School Murder Series
The Ghost and the iPod: A Jade Hill Mystery
The Voodoo Queen, the Cheerleader, and the Exploding Girl: A Jade Hill Mystery
Peter Winkle Son of Super Man: Magnificent Mutants/Kids to Heroes
Lord Terror Strikes: Magnificent Mutants (Hedgehog Chronicles
Towers of Doom: Hedgehog Chronicles (3)
The Final Battle for Earth
Hedgehog Chronicles (2): Ne'er-Do-Well: The Fortress of Lord Terror
Hedgehog Chronicles: The Quest for Professor Q. Little
Blood Suckers: High School Murder Series
A Radical Week in the Life of Lancelot Weed: Magnificent Mutants/Kids to Heroes
Sam the Bravest Boy in All the Land
Growing Pain: Killing, Boys, and Courage (Elijah Jardeen)
Mutant Hedgehogs
When the Dead Walk the Earth: Or a Halloween Adventure
Seeing Ghosts
The Curious Christmas of Sebastian Hear
Pam the bravest girl in all the land
Nightmare on the High Seas: Charlie Hudson's Spring Break
Fat Girls Rule
Vampires, Werewolves & Warlocks, Oh My!
Accused of Murder