- US Army Order of Battle 1919-1941: The Arms: Major Commands and Infantry Organizations, 1919-41; Volume 1
- Iroquois Warriors in Iraq
- Staff Ride Handbook for the Overland Campaign, Virginia, 4 May to 15 June 1864: A Study in Operational-Level Command
- U.S. Army Oder of Battle 1919-1941 the Services: Quartermaster, Medical, Military Police, Signal Corps, Chemical Warfare, and Miscellaneous Organizations, 1919-41 Volume 4 Part 2 of 2
- US Army Order of Battle 1919-1941: The Services: Air Service, Engineers, and Special Troops, 1919-41: Volume 3 Part 1 of 2
- Robert D. Ramsey III
- James Field
- Louis Joseph Vionnet
- John J. Tierney Jr.
- Erhard Raus
- Paul Seabury
- Gilad Sharon
- Malham M. Wakin
- Marc Trachtenberg
- David Jablonsky
- Robert L. Eichelberger
- James L. Morrison Jr.
- Richard W. Steele
- Chris Gainor
- Peter McAleese
- Walter Millis
- Jon Tetsuro Sumida
- Stiphane Audoin-Rouzeau
- Peter W. Connors
- Canadian Defence Academy