Steve Oualline
#11 in Operating Systems
#15 in Microsoft
#15 in Programming Languages
#29 in Software
#11 in Operating Systems
#15 in Microsoft
#15 in Programming Languages
#29 in Software
Practical C Programming, 3rd Edition
$4.99 - $28.28
Practical C++ Programming
$5.09 - $36.21
How Not to Program in C++: 111 Broken Programs and 3 Working Ones, or Why Does 2+2=5986
$5.89 - $6.59
Wicked Cool Perl Scripts: Useful Perl Scripts That Solve Difficult Problems
$10.19 - $11.39
Vi iMproved (VIM)
$7.29 - $8.09
Teach Yourself Linux
Out of Stock
C Elements of Style: The Programmer's Style Manual for Elegant C and C++ Programs
$9.59 - $11.19
Advanced C Programming
Perl for C Programmers
Discover Linux [With CDROM]
Out of Stock
Windows Programming with Borland C++
Out of Stock
Practical Free Alternatives to Commercial Software
Out of Stock
The Visual Guide to Visual C++: The Pictorial Encyclopedia of the Windows Programming Language (Ventana Press Visual Guide Series)
Out of Stock