- Teaching Learning Strategies and Study Skills To Students with Learning Disbilities, Attention Deficit Disorders, or Special Needs (3rd Edition)
- Teaching Study Skills and Strategies for Grades 4-8
- Study Skills for Learning Disabled and Struggling Students: Grades 6-12
- Teaching Study Skills and Strategies to Students with LD, ADD, or Special Needs
- Stdts w/LD or ADD, Coll w/ Prog for, 4th (Peterson's Colleges for Students with Learning Disabilities or ADD)
- Gary W. Abbamont
- John T. Murphy
- Charles T. Mangrum II
- Reuven Feuerstein
- Rachel Brown-Chidsey
- Eliane Whitehouse
- Patricia Iannuzzi
- Mark W. Steege
- Warwick Pudney
- Al Ritter
- College Bound Sports
- D.L. Mabery
- Kathy Paterson
- Robert P. Bowman
- Re'Uven Feuerstein
- Susan C. Bowman
- Beth Teolis
- Meir Ben-Hur
- Gwendolyn Cartledge
- Mildred B. Hoffman