- Obstetrics & Gynecology: PreTest Self-Assessment & Review 12e (Pretest Clinical Medicine)
- The Holocaust Engine: A Post-Apocalyptic Pandemic Thriller
- Normandy Campaign June and July, 1944 (Great Military Campaigns of History)
- American Theological Inquiry, Volume 2, Number 1: Biannual Journal of Theology, Culture & History
- Fluid Shock: A Post-Apocalyptic Pandemic Thriller
- Chuck Pezzano
- Russell B. Adams
- Parker Bohn, III
- Bonnie Hultstrand
- Vesma Grinfelds
- Carol Bundy
- Parker Bohn
- James W. Dally
- Kenneth G. McConnell
- Gene Garrison
- Hunter Montana
- D. Williams
- G. Summers
- F. Travis Boley
- Patrick J. O'Higgins
- Professional bowlers asso
- Norman A. Anderson
- J.A. Haslam
- Howard Stallings
- Patrick Gilbert