- Apostle of Liberty: The World-Changing Leadership of George Washington (Leaders in Action) (Leaders in Action)
- America's Providential History: Biblical Principles of Education, Government, Politics, Economics, and Family Life (Revised and Expanded Version)
- God's Blueprint for Life, Liberty, & Property
- Ruling Over the Earth: A Biblical View of Civil Government
- Watchmen on the Walls: Pastors Equipping Christians for Their Civil Duties
- Richard C. Thornton
- Paik Sun Yup
- Barry Schwartz
- Michael Hickey
- Joseph A. Pipa Jr.
- Charles Schrader
- Adrienne Koch
- Larry Zellers
- Sherman W. Pratt
- Justus D. Doenecke
- William Berebitsky
- Richard E. Mack
- James R. Dickenson
- M. Andrew Holowchak
- Litai Xue
- Ji-Yeon Yuh
- John W. Lewis
- Fernando Ruiz de La Rosa
- Thomas L. Krannawitter
- Sergei Goncharov