- If the Universe Is Teeming with Aliens... Where Is Everybody? Fifty Solutions to Fermi's Paradox and the Problem of Extraterrestrial Life
- Measuring the Universe: The Cosmological Distance Ladder (Springer Praxis Books / Space Exploration)
- New Eyes on the Universe: Twelve Cosmic Mysteries and the Tools We Need to Solve Them
- Out of This World: Colliding Universes, Branes, Strings, and Other Wild Ideas of Modern Physics
- Palaeopathology of Aboriginal Australians: Health and Disease across a Hunter-Gatherer Continent
- Roald Z. Sagdeev
- David A. Rothery
- Moray B. King
- Royal Society of Chemistry
- Philip S.C. Matthews
- David S. Alberts
- James Barker
- A.G. Cairns-Smith and H. Hartman
- Robin Herman
- Jan Ake Jonsson
- I.S. Hughes
- David E. Johnson
- Roland W. Frei
- William S. Lind
- Wilson L. Scott
- Sander Bais
- Grenville Holland
- Uri M. Almagor
- Laszlo Prokai
- Edmond de Hoffmann