- The Mechanism of Catastrophe: The Turkish Pogrom Of September 6 - 7, 1955, And The Destruction Of The Greek Community Of Istanbul
- Byzantium and Europe
- The Turkish State and History: Clio Meets the Grey Wolf (Institute for Balkan Studies)
- The Decline of Medieval Hellenism in Asia Minor and the Process of Islamization from the Eleventh Through the Fifteenth Century (Campus)
- Islam's Understanding of Itself (Giorgio Levi Della Vida Conferences)
- Steven Runciman
- Judith Herrin
- Michael Angold
- J.N.D. Kelly
- Constance Head
- Deno John Geanakoplos
- James Stevenson
- Tamara Talbot Rice
- Cyril Mango
- Romilly James Heald Jenkins
- Elizabeth A. Dawes
- Dimitri Obolensky
- Robert Browning
- Hans Wilhelm Haussig
- J.M. Hussey
- Alexander P. Kazhdan
- Giles Constable
- Warren Treadgold
- Robert Browning
- George Ostrogorsky