- Culinary Reactions: The Everyday Chemistry of Cooking
- Gonzo Gizmos: Projects & Devices to Channel Your Inner Geek
- Why Is Milk White?: & 200 Other Curious Chemistry Questions
- Why There's Antifreeze in Your Toothpaste: The Chemistry of Household Ingredients
- Gut Reactions: The Science of Weight Gain and Loss
- Kate Gregory
- Alexa Coelho
- Carl D. Schmeckle
- Nigel Quinnin
- Nik Lever
- Wendy Sarrett
- Media Group Int
- Mario Russo
- Mandelbrot Set International Ltd
- George Shephard
- James Britt
- James Leiterman
- Steve Bunn
- Andreas Tinter
- Jamie Plenderleith
- Perri Knize
- Peter Turcan
- Nathan Petschenik
- Mike Wasson
- Linda Lesniak