A literary giant, Saul Bellow loomed large over writers attempting the Great American Novel, since many would argue that he has already achieved this feat at least once over. He was considered a foremost chronicler of the Jewish-American post-war experience, but the ""human understanding and subtle analysis of contemporary culture that are combined in his work"" are what won him the Nobel, and helped him transcend cultural and national borders.
The Adventures of Augie March
$5.19 - $64.59
$4.19 - $16.89
Humboldt's Gift
$5.39 - $15.89
Henderson the Rain King
$4.79 - $30.19
Seize the Day
$4.59 - $39.19
$3.59 - $19.65
Collected Stories
$5.49 - $18.29
The Good Parts: The Best Erotic Writing in Modern Fiction
$8.29 - $19.65
Mr. Sammler's Planet
$4.19 - $16.02
Dangling Man
$5.09 - $13.21
The Victim
$4.79 - $16.02
The Dean's December
$4.79 - $10.59
More Die of Heartbreak
$5.29 - $9.09
The Actual
$4.99 - $16.02
To Jerusalem and Back
$3.99 - $16.02
There Is Simply Too Much to Think About: Collected Nonfiction
$6.99 - $25.70
$7.39 - $25.70
Great Jewish Short Stories (Laurel)
$5.59 - $79.99
Him With His Foot In His Mouth and Other Stories
$4.19 - $9.19
Something to Remember Me By
$5.59 - $21.10
The Portable Saul Bellow
$4.59 - $9.19
The Bellarosa Connection
$4.99 - $5.69
A Theft
$4.19 - $4.99
It All Adds Up: From the Dim Past to the Uncertain Future (Penguin Great Books of the 20th Century)
$5.09 - $21.10
Mosby's Memoirs and Other Stories
$4.69 - $16.02
Novels 1956–1964: Seize the Day / Henderson the Rain King / Herzog
Conversations With Saul Bellow (Literary Conversations Series)
$5.29 - $37.94
Novels 1984–2000: What Kind of Day Did You Have? / More Die of Heartbreak / A Theft / The Bellarosa Connection / The Actual / Ravelstein
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