Women of the Bible: Lessons for Us
Jeremiah, The Weeping Prophet: A Prophet for the Twenty-First Century
Minor Prophets - Major Messages: For the Twenty-First Century Christian
God Still Speaks
Spike's Adventures: Don't Cross the Road
Out of Stock
Bringing The Sermon on the Mount and Jesus' Parables Into the Twenty-First Century
Holy Ghost To Holy Ghost Fire: I Was Missing The Icing
The Killing of a Nation - Political Correctness: When Evil Becomes Good
Living the Spirit-Filled Life: What Does That Mean for a Christian
Being Sons and Daughters of Liberty: The Bible's Perspective - The Truth
Lovey and Honey
Liberty's Wounds
Soul Food: Book III
The Clown Show: Identity Crisis
Beth Journeys to Henry's Toad World
The World's Kool-Aid
Soul Food (Beware): Book IV
Navigating Grief with Jesus
Biblical Israel: Then and Now
Soul Food Book V: No Calories - Only Fulfillment
Understanding Israel and the Jews: Relevance to Today, Why Should Christians Care
Little Girl Lost, And Not Found
They Believed a Lie: Lambs Led to the Slaughter
Reflections: Poetry for the Mind, the Heart, and the Soul
Do You Have A Hole In Your Holy Ghost