- Classical Economics
- The economics of Adam Smith
- The Economics of Karl Marx: Analysis and Application (Historical Perspectives on Modern Economics)
- The Economics of John Stuart Mill (Studies in Classical Political Economy) (2 Volume Set)
- The Literature of the Political Economy: Collected Essays ll (Hollander, Samuel. Essays. 2.)
- William B. Hoyt
- F. Barry Haber
- Susan Bassnett
- Lloyd Spencer
- Robert S. Rycroft
- J.L. Mackie
- Tristram Hunt
- Arno J. Mayer
- Ciprian Adrian Rusen
- Albert Soboul
- Alvin Ward Gouldner
- Richard Schacht
- Andrzej Krauze
- Robert D. Crassweller
- Anna Jacobson Schwartz
- Georg G. Iggers
- Dennis C. Mueller
- Alexandre Kojève
- Sara Jenkins-Jones
- Walter Laquer