- The World Don't Know This Jesus
- The Kingdom Of Christ On Earth: Twelve Lectures Delivered Before The Students Of The Theological Seminary, Andover
- God: The Creator and Lord of All, Volume 1
- God the creator and Lord of all Volume 2
- The Philosophical Basis of Theism. An Examination of the Personality of Man to Ascertain His Capacity to Know and Serve God, and the Validity of the Principles Underlying the Defence of Theism
- Christina Noring Hammond
- Joseph E. Granville
- Edwin R. Jones
- Richard L. Childers
- Ruth Kassinger
- Weiss Research
- Dan Rahfeldt
- Gilbert Gottfried
- Les Abromovitz
- Betsy Sansby
- Nick Schou
- Espen Gaardner Haug
- Jim Ryan
- Alan L. Dworsky
- James Dines
- John Riley
- Kelly Angle
- Henrique C. De Almeida
- Joe Santerre
- Jon Hazilla